At Potion Bliss, we blend ancient Unani wisdom with modern science to bring you innovative wellness solutions. Our delicious gummies are crafted to enhance your health, boost vitality, and bring balance to your body—one bite at a time.

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Why Choose HemoGrin Gummies?

HemoGrin Gummies vs. Traditional Remedies

HemoGrin Gummies

HemoGrin Gummies
  • Sugar-Free – No added sugar for a healthier lifestyle.
  • Convenient to Use – Carry it anywhere, anytime without hassle.
  • Individually Wrapped – Perfect for on-the-go convenience.
  • One Gummy = Full Day Requirement – A simple, one-dose solution.
  • Lasts One Month – One bottle covers your entire month's needs.

Traditional Medicine

Traditional Medicine
  • Added Sugar – Not ideal for health-conscious individuals.
  • Cumbersome to Carry – Carry the whole bottle wherever you go.
  • Multiple Doses Required – Takes more time and effort to consume.
  • 2-3 Bottles Needed – Often requires multiple bottles for a full month's use.
Ingredient 1
Diospyros ebenum (Ebony)
It protects cells, reduces inflammation, relieves pain, regulates blood sugar, fights bacteria and parasites, lowers blood pressure, supports skin health, and aids metabolic functions.
Ingredient 2
****Dalbergia Sissoo DC (Indian Rosewood)
Dalbergia sissoo is traditionally used to treat skin conditions and manage blood disorders, promoting healthier skin and improved circulation.
Ingredient 3
Pterocarpus santalinus
It protects cells from oxidative damage, helps regulate blood sugar, fights harmful bacteria, and reduces inflammation, benefiting conditions like arthritis.
Ingredient 4
Santalum album L. (Sandalwood)
It combats aging, prevents acne, soothes inflammation, promotes skin healing, and supports blood purification for healthier skin.
Ingredient 5
```````Post-I-Halela Zard (Terminalia Chebula Retz.)
Short description of ingredient 5.
Ingredient 6
Ūnt Katāra (Echinops echinatus)
It treats skin disorders, supports cardiovascular health, helps manage low blood pressure, improves nervous system function, and aids in the recovery of neurological disorders like hemiplegia and facial palsy.
Ingredient 7
Tephrosia purpurea (L.) Pers. (Fabaceae/Leguminosae)
It detoxifies the body, improves skin health, relieves allergies, reduces inflammation and pain, and fights infections with antibacterial properties.
Ingredient 8
Shahatra (F. parviflora Lam)
It fights microbial infections, reduces oxidative stress, purifies blood, and promotes healthy skin by treating skin conditions.
Ingredient 9
Unnab (Ziziphus jujuba)
It detoxifies the body, relieves coughing, and reduces excess blood heat, benefiting inflammation and skin disorders.
  • Dr. Meenaz Fatima

    In Unani medicine, blood is a mixture of four humours: dam (sanguine), balgham (phlegm), safra (yellow bile), and sawda (black bile). Normal blood has balanced humours, while morbid blood has altered quantity and quality, causing disorders. Blood purifying drugs help restore balance, improve blood viscosity, and strengthen immunity, aiding in the treatment of conditions like anemia, leukemia, and infections. These drugs are digestive, tonic, and eliminate toxins. This study explores their impact on blood health and disorders.

  • Dr.Meenaz Fatima

    Blood Purification: A Vital Process for Health
    Blood purification is essential for removing waste and toxins, carried out by the kidneys, liver, and lungs. The kidneys filter waste like urea and creatinine, the liver detoxifies harmful substances, and the lungs eliminate carbon dioxide. When these organs don't function properly, toxins build up, leading to health issues like fatigue, nausea, and skin disorders such as acne, psoriasis, and eczema.Potion Bliss’s HEMO-GRIN gummies can help purify the blood and relieve these issues. Available at, HEMO-GRIN contains ingredients like:
    - Burada Abnoos: Acts as a purifier, promotes wound healing, supports eye health, and has diuretic and anti-bilious properties.
    - Burada Sandal: Detoxifies and supports heart health and urinary tract function.
    - Sarphoka: Aids in liver metabolism and offers hepatoprotective benefits.
    - Shahetra: Known for its antimicrobial, anti-diabetic, hepatoprotective, and anticancer properties.
    Other ingredients like Unnab Neek Kofta, Burada Sheesham, Post Haleela Zard, and Beek Oont Kateera further aid detoxification, boost immunity, and prevent disorders.

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